14.1. You have certain responsibilities in relation to your booking, these are set out below.
14.2. Documentation You must ensure that you have all necessary documentation required to complete your journey, including any required medical, health or coronavirus test certification. We do not accept any responsibility if you cannot travel because you have not complied with any local passport, visa, immigration or health requirements. Travellers with full British passports should ensure that they have sufficient pages for entry and exit stamps and ensure where required that their passports have at least six months to run after returning to the UK. The entry requirements for British Citizens may differ to those for British Subjects, British Dependant Territories Citizens, British Nationals (Overseas Citizens), British Protected Persons or any other British passports. Please check your passport carefully and if you are not specifically a British Citizen with a UK issued passport, you must check passport and visa requirements with the Embassy or Consulate of the country(ies) you are travelling to or through. Nationals of other countries should check requirements with the relevant embassies. The names that appear on your airline/cruise tickets should be the same as the names in your passport. On your booking form you must notify us of the names as they appear in your passport. If the names in your flight/cruise reservations are incorrect they may not be easy to change and may incur charges.
Obtaining the correct visas for travel is ultimately your responsibility.
14.3. Health Travellers with reduced mobility or a disability: overseas accommodation and overseas transport arrangements. The majority of overseas accommodation, overseas transport (including transfers) and other holiday services provided overseas are not equipped to cater for the needs of many less-abled holidaymakers. Furthermore, the natural terrain and the layout of some resorts can make life difficult for wheelchair users and those with limited walking ability. It is therefore important, if you have any disabilities, that the appropriate enquiries are made about the suitability of particular accommodation, resorts, transport and services and that you are fully satisfied you have made the correct choice before you book and confirm your holiday. Please note: if special arrangements need to be made for you an extra charge may have to be levied, this may be the case either before you go or when you arrive in resort. We cannot be held responsible if you fail to tell us about special needs/requirements that will affect your holiday experience and this means we will not compensate you. For customers who require support or advice prior to booking, please contact our team who will contact our suppliers for further information. It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of all recommended vaccinations and health precautions in good time before departure.
Details are available from your GP surgery and from the National Travel Health Network and Centre www.nathnac.org. Information on health is also contained in the Department of Health leaflet Health Advice for Travellers available from the Department or via its website www.dh.gov.uk. For holidays in the EU, your existing European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) remains valid until the date of expiry written on the card. You can then apply for the Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) by calling 0191 218 1999 or applying online at www.nhs.uk/ghic
14..4. Transportation You must ensure that you arrive in good time to board the flight/vessel to your destination country and that you are ready on time for other transfers and forms of transport. If you miss a transfer or the departure of your flight/train/cruise, we will try to arrange alternative transportation for you but we reserve the right to recover any additional costs that we incur as a result of you failing to arrive in good time. If you are not flying from our main departure airport: in the event that your flight is cancelled on the day of travel you must notify us immediately so we can assist in making alternative arrangements in the destination country for you to be met. If we can help re-organise flights, then let us know and we can assist with this or ask our flight agent to assist. Any costs incurred for this will be borne by yourself and in all likelihood will be claimable on your travel insurance.
14.5 We are not liable at any time for any flights booked by yourself in conjunctions with this package.
14..6. Security & Safety You must seek your own advice regarding safety and security. Before you travel overseas, check the FCDO website for essential travel advice, tips and up-to-date country information. www.gov.uk/government/organisations/foreign-commonwealth-development-office
14.7 Social Behaviour. Group tours are social occasions and we want you to enjoy the holiday that you have booked and we ask that you consider others in a polite manner throughout the tour. If we feel that your behaviour impacts the enjoyment of others on the tour, then we reserve the right to cancel your booking and all future bookings without liability our part.
14.8 Conduct. Experium Travel reserves the right to refuse you as a customer or continue to deal with you if we believe your behaviour is disruptive, causes unnecessary inconvenience, is threatening or abusive, you damage property, you upset, annoy, disturb or put any other traveller or put the staff of Experium Travel in danger, on the telephone, in writing or in person.
On a group holiday, it is necessary that you abide by the authority of the leader, who represents the company. If you commit any illegal act when on the holiday or if in our reasonable opinion your behaviour is disruptive, threatening or abusive, causes unnecessary inconvenience, impacts on other people’s enjoyment of the holiday or is causing or likely to cause damage to property, danger, distress or upset, disturbance or annoyance to others or puts any other traveller in danger, on the telephone, in person or in writing then we may terminate your travel arrangements without any liability on our part.
In the even, that we cancel your trip, we accept no liability or responsibility for any flight arrangements you have made.